Friday, August 9, 2024

HOA notice regarding mailboxes.

Following the recent break-in of one of the HOA's mailbox clusterbox units, the HOA Board of Directors offers these suggestions:

1. If you see someone breaking into one of the mailbox units, please call 911 and report it to the police. Please DO NOT CONFRONT the perpetrator. Nothing in the mailbox is worth risking your life over.

2. Promptly retrieve your mail from your box after delivery each day.

3. If you are going to be away, put in a USPS Vacation Hold with the United States Postal Service or have a friend or neighbor retrieve your mail each day you are gone.

4. Do not use the outbound mail slot for anything that is important or of value. It would be best to deposit your outbound mail at a United States Post Office.

5. Sign up for USPS Informed Delivery so you know what mail to expect to be delivered each day.

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