Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Mailbox Cluster Box Units to be Replaced

If your mailbox is located in one of the cluster box units (CBUs) circled in red on the map below, your mailbox CBU is going to be replaced in the near future.

These CBUs are being replaced with a newer style of CBU that is slightly more secure than the old style of CBU, making them less vulnerable to break-in/mail theft.

The new CBU will have the same number of mailboxes with identical numbering.  Your mailbox number will not change, but you will receive three new keys for your new mailbox lock.

If you have not done so already, please send an email to the HOA (info(at)marymoorhillhoa.org) and let us know which CBU your mailbox is located in and which mailbox number is yours.  This information will be needed when it comes time to distribute the new keys.

CBU Locations:


The CBUs will probably be replaced in about one month.  The HOA will send out emails and update this post as the installation date nears.

(Note:  If your CBU is at the south end of 162ND CT NE or on the sidewalk of the upper NE 50TH ST, your CBU has already been replaced with one of the newer style CBUs.)


Monday, February 17, 2025

2025 Annual Meeting Minutes

The minutes of the 2025 Annual Meeting of the Members of the Marymoor Hill Divisions 1 and 2 Homeowners Association have been posted:  2025 HOA Annual Meeting Minutes

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

2/12/2025: Update to the Board of Directors

Catherine McNamara Orona's term as Vice President of the Board of Directors (the "Board") ended in February of 2025. Catherine agreed to serve a new 3-year term as Vice President and no other HOA members expressed a desire to serve in this position.

At the 2025 Annual Meeting of the HOA, the meeting attendees or their proxies voted 10 - 0 FOR Catherine McNamara Orona as Vice President of the Board.  Catherine's term lasts through February of 2028.

Thank you to Catherine McNamara Orona for being willing to serve on the Board.  Your help is greatly appreciated.

February 12, 2025, list of the officers and committee members: Board, Officers, and ACC Committee

2/12/2025: Updates to the ACC Committee

Cathy Kopp's and Hong Sodoma's terms on the Architectural Control Committee (the "ACC") ended in February of 2025.  Thank you to Cathy and Hong for serving on the ACC.

Current ACC member, Ushah Kiran Kommi Reddi, kindly agreed to take over in the ACC Chairperson role.

At the 2025 Annual Meeting of the HOA, the Board of Directors unanimously appointed Ushah Kiran Kommi Reddi as the ACC Chairperson.

Thank you to Nancy Heard, Ushah Kiran Kommi Reddi, and Keren Tan for being willing to serve on the Architectural Control Committee.  Your help is greatly appreciated.

By HOA rules, the ACC should be comprised of 3-5 members. There are still 2 vacant spots on the ACC. If you would like to help out by serving on the committee, please reach out to the HOA. No special expertise is required to be on the committee.

As a reminder to all HOA Members:  HOA rules require homeowners to submit an Architectural Control Committee request form to the ACC and to receive approval from the ACC before beginning any work that affects the exterior appearance of your home.   This includes exterior painting, roof replacement, major landscaping changes, and fence repair/installation.

For any questions regarding the ACC approval process, you can contact the ACC by email at acc(a)marymoorhillhoa.org.

February 12, 2025, list of the officers and committee members: Board, Officers, and ACC Committee

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Notice of 2025 Annual Meeting

The 2025 Annual Meeting of Members (the “Meeting”) of the Marymoor Hill Divisions 1 and 2 Homeowners Association (the “HOA”) will be held at 6:30pm - 7:30pm PST on Tuesday, February 11, 2025, in Meeting Room 2 of the Redmond Regional Library, 15990 NE 85th St, Redmond, WA.

Click here for the proposed Meeting Agenda.

Only homeowners of record at December 31, 2024, who are current on their payment of HOA dues will be entitled to vote at the Meeting.

Homeowners who are unable to attend the Meeting are encouraged to return a signed and dated Proxy Notice to the HOA prior to the Meeting dateClick here for a copy of the Proxy Notice or one can be obtained by contacting the HOA secretary by email at info@marymoorhillhoa.org.

Proxy Notices may be returned by mail to:

            PO BOX 3022
            REDMOND WA  98073-3022


David Schott